Sunday, November 7, 2010

GO DJ, THAT'S MY DJ. . . .

We didn't have any money for costumes this year so to imper-vise we used ones we already had:) We went as a 90's couple. It was so much fun!! Crichton and Danielle went as a god and goddess. One of my absolutely FAVORITE things to do is go dancing but it has been really hard to with baby jack. SOOOOO, with my mom as the sitter, i was able to dance the night away!! Here are some fun pic's from that night.


  1. you guys are too cute!! and whoa, look at that crowd!!

  2. Oh fun! That's so nice that UVU liked you now you can DJ for them all the time. With that floor dancing like they were, how couldn't they have you guys for every dance.wahooo!!
